Here we will explore the benefits of roadside advertising and how it can elevate your marketing campaigns to the next level.

What is Roadside Advertising

Roadside Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising is a powerful and dynamic medium that reaches consumers where they spend a significant amount of time – on the road. You can find it in the forms of billboards, digital screens or posters strategically placed along busy roads, streets and transit routes. This form of advertising captures the attention of drivers, commuters and pedestrians alike, a vital component of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Why should you use it?



With OOH advertising, marketers have the flexibility to scale their campaigns to any size.

For national campaigns, OOH offers extensive reach with the added benefit of location- specific targeting.

On a local scale, OOH can be effective for businesses aiming to attract customers within a specified range, ensuring relevant engagement. Larger brands can also benefit from localised OOH campaigns to address regional differences in their products or services, optimizing their marketing impact.


Unlike other forms of advertising, roadside OOH offers continuous visibility to passersby with its inability to be ‘skipped, muted or ignored’. This makes it a highly effective tool for brand exposure, your advertisement remains visible during rush hour, commutes and leisurely strolls.

Consistent visibility not only increases the chances of your message being seen multiple times by the same audience but also plays a crucial role in reinforcing brand recall and recognition.


Flexibility is unparallel when it comes to location, format and design. If you’re looking to engage potential customers in a variety of environments, OOH allows you to choose the exact setting where your message will resonate most.

Flexibility extends to the creative execution of your campaign as well. Brands have the opportunity to push creative boundaries with innovative, immersive campaigns that captivate audiences.

Cost effective

With its ability to deliver wide reach and constant visibility, roadside OOH provides a high return on investment (ROI) by keeping the cost per impression relatively low. Through using strategic placement businesses can maximise exposure without exceeding a budget.

Digital OOH

Digital roadside advertising offers a range of unique benefits that set it apart from traditional static. A modern approach that allows for real-time content updates, its ability to deliver targeted messaging is unmatched. Digital displays can also seamlessly integrate with mobile and social media platforms, creating a more engaging and cohesive marketing experience.

Its efficient use of space provides exposure to different brands and messages within the same location. With its ability to rotate multiple advertisements, it not only maximizes the value of high-traffic areas but also ensures diverse audiences are reached daily.

Using Route Media across Roadside

If you would like to advertise your message across our screens, get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 029 2233 8813.